Monday, April 8, 2013

HOQ art preview

Thank you to all of the artist who submitted artwork for the new restaurant in the East Village.  The restaurant has chosen Celinda Stamy as their first artist.  Her landscapes look great in the restaurant and the folks at HOQ are so happy to have her artwork up on the walls!  Here's a sneak peak of her work:

Celinda Stamy, Home, O/C 3x6'

There will be more of Celinda's artwork installed throughout the restaurant and a second artist will also be featured later this month.   Check back soon for updates and artist info! 


  1. I love this piece, it is perfect for the space! I will have to come visit to see her other pieces. Great job with the blog, love the new background!

  2. Hopefully by the end of this week, I will have all 5 of Celinda's works installed. Come down and check them out Darney!
